Rachell McConkie

Rachell McConkie

Contact Center Product Owner


Rachell McConkie

What has been your business/work highlight of 2024 so far?

Exciting AI across the Microsoft and CISCO platforms. AI is also coming to life in the contact center world!

Who is your business hero and why?

Reshme Saujani is a really powerful gal who created the Girls Who Code group. They bring girls into coding practices that are fun and build practical applications.

What’s the biggest business mistake you’ve made and what did you learn from it?

I really over booked my self with back to back to back travel. I thought I could take on everything. I had an anxiety attack on an airplane and missed my last meeting. I quickly got with my co-workers and provided them with the meeting materials. I learned balance and stress management techniques from that experience. I also learned that you can’t be everywhere at once and to learn more about digital technology when possible.

What’s the most inspirational book you’ve ever read and why?

1984 is my favorite book. Not what people would expect for ‘inspirational’, but there are so many lessons to glean from that book. Time is precision, freedom is not free, the psychology of power and what power really means, and the contrast of what dystopia is like verses the life we can build in the world we live in.

What’s the biggest challenge you face in your role in 2024?

Providing easier ways for companies to adopt and take full advantage of Contact Center solutions and the AI they bring.

What technology will have the greatest impact on your business this year and why?

AI – Virtual Agents, Agent Assist, and Automations will change the way we do business and 2024 is the year it all comes to practical world usage.