Goodbye Plain Old Customer Support Call. Hello In-the-Moment Delight

How Guided CX Customer Journeys Make You a Loyalty Generator

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Goodbye Plain Old Customer Support Call. Hello In-the-Moment Delight - CX Today 2
Contact CentreInsights

Published: February 27, 2023

John Flood

John Flood

At the beginning of Dante Alighieri’s literary masterpiece, The Divine Comedy, the main character embarks on a journey and soon finds himself lost: 

“Midway upon the journey of our life  

I found myself within a forest dark,  

For the straightforward pathway had been lost.” 

No one likes to be lost, especially customers.  

Unfortunately, customer journeys with call centers often end with that ‘lost’ feeling – or worse. 

Indeed, market research suggests poor customer service has major negative consequences for companies. According to a 2022 report by Zendesk, 80 percent of consumers will switch to a competitor after more than one bad experience. 

With A Little Help From My Friends

We’re a long way from Dante’s 14th-century concerns. But one thing remains constant: help at the right moment makes all the difference.  

In Dante’s story, a stranger comes to the aid of the main character just in the nick of time. And with customer conversations, the right agent at the right time with the right information could save the customer relationship. Without it, the customer might walk. She has options. Like going viral with a complaint. 

“Everyone’s been on a call when it takes more than 10 minutes for an agent to gather customer account information,” said Tom Martin, CEO of Glance. “That’s a big problem that drives customers away. Customer service agents need to be enabled to meet customers where they are, digitally,” he explained.  

The Human Touch Is Unrivalled

Chat bots and AI-supported tools alleviate agent workloads and improve CX. But a live human agent can significantly improve the customer experience in ways chatbots can’t.  

Let’s face it. Customers want and demand a convenient personal experience, especially when a big decision is on the line with major purchases that involve healthcare or wealth management.

Those moments could make or break the customer relationship. It’s in these moments that a genuine, human connection can have the greatest impact on the customer experience. 

“Guided CX is the key to customer loyalty,” Martin said. “When an agent and a customer are literally on the same page, it raises the quality of the conversation, reduces friction, and creates customers for life,” he explained. 

Make Every Interaction Count with In-the-Moment Collaboration

With Guided CX supported with co-browsing, screen sharing and agent video, agents help customers by temporarily joining the customer screen to uncover the customer’s issue. 

“When they’re collaborating, they’re reducing the friction immediately,” Martin said. “Even better, it opens the opportunity for deeper and more meaningful customer engagements.” 

For example, the business software company Intuit deployed Glance solutions to support its TurboTax product. 

With Glance, TurboTax customers can ask questions, while Intuit tax experts can view the customer’s TurboTax app screen or browser window. 

It offers an integrated visual engagement that’s easy for agents to use, improves CX, supports all TurboTax platforms on the desktop, browser, and native mobile and supports Intuit’s customer privacy and security requirements, Glance said in a case study. 

“Guided CX creates immediate collaboration,” Martin said. “Customers want to feel recognized. They want to feel that an agent cares, especially in highly sensitive and strategic engagements like banking,” he explained.  

“Instead of doing it alone, you’re doing it together with the agent,” he said. “Glance transforms customer frustration into completed transactions and more opportunities to grow lifelong customer bonds,” Martin confirmed. 

The age of the plain old customer support call is over. With Glance, create real human connections in your digital space, to increase transactions, grow portfolio value, and build customer loyalty. Register for Glance’s upcoming webinar to learn more about how to utilize Guided CX to become a customer loyalty generator.  



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