A Quick Guide to Customer Journey Analytics in a Contact Centre

Customer journey analytics is now a must-have for contact centre optimisation

Customer Journey
Data & AnalyticsSpeech AnalyticsInsights

Published: December 5, 2022

Rebekah Carter

The best way to ensure customers convert and stay loyal is to analyze and optimize the customer journey. 

Once a business knows every step its customers take on the path to purchase, it can implement measures to remove pain points, enhance the moments that matter, and generate positive outcomes.  

Unfortunately, every customer journey is distinct. Buyers from various industries and backgrounds use different methods to determine what they will buy. 

As such, organizations can’t follow a one-size-fits-all strategy for CX management. Instead, they must get to know their customers and adapt accordingly. 

Enter customer journey analytics. 

What Is Customer Journey Analytics?

Customer journey analytics is a tool that helps business leaders understand customer perceptions at various stages of their experience in dealing with a brand. These perceptions may relate to satisfaction, sentiment, or effort. 

As customer experiences have grown more complex and multi-faceted, the demand for these analytical strategies has increased. Indeed, customer journey analytics ranks as one of the most critical priorities for CX-focused companies.  

Why? Because they ingest data from conversations, feedback, and various enterprise systems, using AI to monitor customer needs, intents, and emotions. 

With this knowledge, companies can better understand their customers, which helps develop better product, marketing, and service strategies. 

Moreover, contact centers often use technology to transform a curious prospect into a brand advocate.  

Yet, customer journey analytics is complex. To truly understand customer experiences, companies must aggregate and unify data from multiple channels and environments. 

The “customer journey data” collected empowers businesses to model powerful strategies for engaging and delighting clients across every platform.  

How Customer Journey Analytics Works

Ultimately, customer journey analytics strategies focus on capturing data at every customer touchpoint, from the first introduction to the brand to the loyalty-building experiences they have after their purchase.

In the past, companies relied heavily on customer feedback tools to gauge how well they were meeting consumer needs. While these solutions are still influential today, more innovative analytical tools are starting to take their place.  

AI-powered analysis now allows companies to track customer sentiment and intent on a deeper level. It harnesses conversational data to understand pain points throughout the customer journey. 

Automatic data collection systems also work alongside CRM and contact center solutions. These provide additional insights into customer behaviors – including frequency of purchases, drivers of engagement, and causes of churn. 

Increasingly, businesses are discovering new and more advanced ways to capture quantitative and qualitative data from their databases and solutions.

The more data available, the better the understanding of the customer journey becomes. Yet, this data must be reliable. After all, when it comes to AI tools, like customer journey analytics, garbage in = garbage out. 

What Are the Benefits of Customer Journey Analytics?

The more companies know about their customers and how they interact with different brands, the more intelligent strategies they can build to meet organizational goals.  

Journey analytics also allows companies to pinpoint potential friction and frustration sources that might prevent customers from reaching their goals. 

Moreover, consistently tracking omnichannel behavior, monitoring sentiment, and understanding intent ensures businesses can identify issues that impact both business and CX outcomes.  

Leveraging customer journey analytics correctly allows companies to: 

  • Improve Customer Experience: With customer journey analytics, businesses can identify problems quickly, and come up with solutions to delight, engage, and convert their customers. They may also learn more about customers’ needs at different purchasing and loyalty stages. Actioning this insight may boost their chances of long-term, lucrative relationships.  
  • Enhance Sales and Marketing: By understanding how customers research and compare products, interact with sales teams, and make purchasing decisions, businesses can implement new strategies to boost conversions and revenue. It’s even possible to use journey analytics to support hyper-personalization projects to further engage customers.
  • Optimize Business Decisions: Knowing what makes customers happy is powerful in a world where service can make or break customer loyalty. Using insights into customer expectations and experiences at different points in their journey, organizations can improve CX management initiatives.  
  • Support Employees: With insights into the customer journey, employees responsible for sales, marketing, and service can better support customers. For instance, if an agent can see the customer contacted about the issue before, they can discuss the previous solution. Doing so helps the agent probe as they find out what went wrong.
  • Measure and Track Outcomes: Customer journey analytics gives business leaders insight into which strategies drive positive results for the company, whether that is in terms of sentiment, revenue, or retention.

The Rise of Customer Journey Analytics

Customer journey analytics requires systems integrations and a healthy data supply to understand what happens at each customer journey touchpoint. 

An omnichannel contact center proposition is also critical to offer complete visibility into every interaction conducted with a customer – alongside a close CRM integration.

Thankfully, vendors in the CX environment are beginning to create multi-faceted tools for customer journey management, mapping, and orchestration. These connect data and give CX leaders more control over customer experiences. 

As these tools evolve, businesses worldwide may develop better customer relationships that drive loyalty.





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