Early Users React to the Genesys and Salesforce Unified CCaaS-CRM Solution

Benify and Valley Strong Credit Union discuss their early experiences with the CX Cloud from Genesys and Salesforce

Early Users React to the Genesys and Salesforce Unified CCaaS-CRM Solution
Contact CenterCRMLatest News

Published: September 2, 2024

Charlie Mitchell

Earlier this year, the first 20 customers got their hands on the CX Cloud from Genesys and Salesforce.

The jointly released solution is a substantial step for CCaaS and CRM convergence, embedding Genesys’ enterprise contact center, journey orchestration, and workforce engagement management (WEM) capabilities within Salesforce Service Cloud.

There are several considerable benefits to the solution. First, lower support costs and integration requirements are significant.

Second, their coordinated approach enables unified agent and supervisor dashboards, a single channel set, native configurations, and cohesive AI features.

By combining those unified channel and AI features with journey orchestration, contact centers can design new, more efficient customer service experiences.

Lastly, and perhaps most significantly for Salesforce 360 or Einstein 1 customers, it gets more contact center data flowing into the Salesforce ecosystem.

As a result, each customer-facing function may benefit from increased customer visibility alongside better-informed and better-powered AI implementations.

Many of these points came up in conversations with two customers of the platform: Benify and the Valley Strong Credit Union.

Here is a summary of their experiences so far with the unified CCaaS-CRM solutions, as per a recent interview conducted by both CX providers.

Benify Saves $1.65MN with the CX Cloud from Genesys and Salesforce

HR technology provider Benify has a small, global customer support team of 20 agents.

The company was one of the first customers on the platform, with the implementation taking just four hours to complete.

It has also reported $1.65MN in total cost savings, a 20 percent reduction in time to resolution, and a 23 percent drop in errors.

By achieving this, Benify overcame many of the challenges from its previous contact center environment. There, agents spent too much time switching between apps, supervisors lacked meaningful insight, and developers struggled with CX process automations.

Philip Hagenfeldt, Commercial System Lead at Benify, spotted that a unified CCaaS-CRM offering could help push past these problems.

As such, it switched CRM providers to leverage the joint platform, which caused an increase in handling times in the first few days of implementation. However, Hagenfeldt added:

We could see [average handle time] drop quite quickly, which is a testament that it will really work for us. It gives us a lot of confidence.

He also notes that Benify now has a better understanding of the role AI will play in its future in terms of both conversation and process automation.

Yet, key to the initial success, Hagenfeldt added that much of the success came from successful user adoption, getting agents onboard, and ensuring they understood what was in it for them.

“We tend to be innovative,” he summarized: “I want to take risks because risk means reward. And I was confident that it would work out.

“It’s about three months now since we went live, and we are seeing benefits.”

Valley Strong Credit Union to Reduce Its 27 Agent Programs

Based in California, Valley Strong Credit Union has 65 agents in its contact center.

Previously based on-premise, the firm landed on the unified CCaaS-CRM platform a “few months ago” with significant ambitions for the deployment.

Indeed, Kristie Mead, Director of Contact Center at Valley Strong Credit Union, believes the credit union can automate 40 percent of calls with self-service.

Moreover, she has explored several other features within the “candy store” solution, developing a plan to drive new efficiencies by streamlining and enhancing the agent experience. That involves cutting down the number of programs agents work with from 27.

Live sentiment scoring, agent-assist, auto-QA, and a knowledge management rehaul are also on the bucket list – as Mead begins to transition agents to the platform.

While it’s not currently in the agents’ hands, Mead has already presented demos of the deployment to the team while engaging with them throughout the migration process so far. Speaking of their excitement, she concluded:

Our CEO said it perfectly, “If you can dream it, you can make it happen.” So, I’m dreaming big.

Eager to learn more about the CX Cloud from Genesys and Salesforce? If so, check out our article: The CX Cloud from Genesys and Salesforce Is a Gamechanger. Here’s Why



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